Magonomia® Core Rules is still open for late pledges until March 31. This week we’ll give a bit of a longer preview of the rule book. Characters in Magonomia each choose one of the five magical Sciences: Alchemy, Astrology, Sorcery, Theurgy, and Witchcraft. Each provides different spells and different strengths and weaknesses. Here is our most distinctively Renaissance European Science, the Science of Theurgy:
Magonomia Core Rules preview
The Science of Theurgy
Theurgy is the study of names of power. By invoking the names of spirits or angels, the magician can control both the natural and supernatural sides of the world. Theurgy most excels at divination and combating supernatural enemies.
Most theurgists in Enchanted England are Christian, Jewish, or Muslim, but as a player you can also make a Pagan theurgist, or a Buddhist or Hindu theurgist from a distant land. A theurgist who doesn’t believe in religion at all can still be effective. Theurgy is magic, not religion.
According to theurgists, there is a divine order to the universe, and it can be discovered by supernatural means. In Magonomia, the divine order is maintained by a hierarchy of spirits that exert occult power over the world. They do everything from pushing the new grass out of the ground in the springtime to moving the sun across the sky. A theurgist learns the names of these spirits and learns how to give them direct orders, usually by invoking the name one of their superiors.
Theurgy can also command nature directly. This is called adjuration. For example, a Theurgy spell could say something like “O axe, in the name of [spirit] do not cut that tree” or “O bruise, in the name of [spirit] depart from my body.” Certain Renaissance theurgists believed they could use their power to reproduce the deeds of the Apostles in the Bible’s book of Acts: casting out unwanted spirits, curing diseases, speaking prophecies. Others believed they could perform the feats of the ancients, such as those performed by the Oracle of Delphi.
The challenge of Theurgy is that spirits and nature will only obey a mortal whom they deem worthy. Much of the practice of Theurgy therefore consists of rituals to build up the magician’s spiritual strength and authority. Theurgists meditate, pursue visions, and consult with spirits to advance toward enlightenment. Note that while such rituals have religious origins, they’re really about self-improvement, not necessarily piety. A theurgist’s practices don’t have to line up with anything from a real-world religion—indeed, because Theurgy is an esoteric Science, much of it is alien to established religious ceremonies.
You might think theurgists would be readily accepted by church authorities. Historically, however, theurgy could be quite controversial. Magicians’ inquiry into the divine order can lead them to challenge official religious doctrine. Remember that Europe in the sixteenth century was wracked by religious conflicts. Heresy is dangerous. Theurgy is nonetheless more likely to be accepted than Sorcery. For this reason, grimoires of Sorcery often intentionally mislabel their spells as Theurgy. The line between the two Sciences can be fine.
Playing a Theurgist
Theurgy is works similarly to Sorcery; both Sciences involve conjuring spirits to do the wizard’s bidding. The difference is that Theurgy involves mystically preparing the wizard to become an authority figure spirits have no choice but to obey. Sorcery, in contrast, strikes bargains with spirits by offering them something of value.
Much of a Theurgist’s offstage magical regimen consists of meditation, special diet, and other spiritual practices. A Theurgist doesn’t have to be pious. They just have to go through certain ceremonial motions—frequently and consistently. If you wish, you can choose a Trouble Aspect such as Austere Lifestyle or Taboo Against Touching Animals to represent mystical constraints on your theurgist. If you don’t, that’s a signal to your gaming group that you prefer to keep your wizard’s ritualistic side in the background.
Another activity that consumes a lot of a Theurgist’s offstage time is researching the names of spirits, their “offices” (jobs) and hence their powers, and their hierarchy. Some of this is recorded in esoteric tomes, often written in cipher or concealed by steganography. More can be learned by conjuring spirits and interviewing them, or through visions.
Strengths of Theurgy
Theurgy features the best selection of defensive spells overall, and is outstanding at protecting against spirits and Conjuration magic.
Theurgy is second strongest at divination, after Astrology.
It’s the only Science that can simply break other spells.
Limitations of Theurgy
Theurgy spells are individually not very versatile, and the overall spell selection is skewed toward fighting supernatural threats. In stories where your opponents are nonmagicians, you may find that not all of your spells are useful.
Reasons to Choose Theurgy
· You want to fight supernatural opponents and break evil spells.
· You enjoy taking the role of defender.
· You want spells that will help you deal peacefully with humans.
Reasons to Avoid Theurgy
· You want spells that are versatile.
· You don’t want a character with a strong spiritual side.
· Your adventures aren’t likely to contain supernatural threats.
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