Freelance Opportunities
We’re eager to help early career professionals break in to the industry. We can often find small, manageable, paid assignments to help you build experience and your portfolio. Experienced freelancers are also welcome!
Be aware, we’re operating part-time and not yet profitable, so we can’t sponsor as much work as we’d like.
Professional Standards
We believe constructive feedback brings out the best in a creator’s work. Willingness to revise is the mark of a professional. We want to work with people who feel the same way.
Everyone who works for us needs to treat colleagues with civility and patience, even when they’re personally under strain or when things are going wrong.
We need people to respond to emails (within 3 business days) and meet deadlines. It’s that simple.
Fair Pay and Opportunity
Shewstone Publishing is committed to fair pay and equitable opportunity for artists, authors, and all the professionals who work on our projects.
Freelance work for our trademarked product lines requires you to assign copyright to Shewstone.
When we started the business, we had the quixotic notion that we could let creators retain copyright to everything. It won’t work for our trademarked game lines.
If you’ve written a game and want Shewstone to publish it, we’re open to a licensing deal where you do keep copyright. You need to have a playable draft of the product, and to understand that the playable draft is only the beginning of a long process of revision and editing. If you’ve reached that point, contact us.
Artists and Cartographers
We get approached by more artists than we can hire at this point. Don’t let that stop you! Feel free to send your portfolio link to We keep a list of interested artists and do bring new artists onto projects when we can. Our standard rate for artwork is based on an 8” x 10” illustration of medium complexity: $220 for black-and-white, $440 for color (last updated January 2023).
Payment for cartography depends on the complexity of the map — write to to share your portfolio and discuss rates.
Freelance Writers
All proposals for writing assignments must be accompanied by a signed copy of our Author Release Agreement.
We’re looking for freelance RPG writers for our trademarked product lines: currently Magonomia®, the RPG of Renaissance wizardry, and the Drintera™ fantasy setting. Email to inquire about upcoming projects. If you have an idea for something you want to /t along with your unsolicited pitch./s negotiation. Here’s how to approach us.
Get your game to a playable first draft.
Read our Professional Standards, above, to make sure we’re the sort of people you want to work with.
+n—-d a signed release form along with your pitch or proposal to