Magonomia is on DriveThruRPG!

After more than five years of development, Magonomia, the RPG of Renaissance wizardry, is published! Everyone plays a wizard wielding magic based on authentic Renaissance lore.

Magonomia, the RPG of Renaissance wizardry

Magonomia, the RPG of Renaissance wizardry

Let’s recap the top 10 reasons to buy Magonomia.

  1. 190 spells. At $25, that works out to just 13 cents per spell … plus you get the rest of the game along with them!

  2. Finally, a practical use for all that Shakespeare you had to sit through in high school!

  3. The first rule of secret societies is you do not talk about secret societies.

  4. A game set in Enchanted England co-written by real Englishmen! One of them is even a bit barmy.

  5. Very playable, but if you want to just look at the pictures, there's no shame in that. We do it ourselves sometimes.

  6. If you buy it, we’ll tell you how to pronounce Magonomia.

  7. Two words: swashbuckling wizard

  8. We read a pile of sixteenth-century grimoires so you don’t have to.

  9. Cursing your enemies is fun!

  10. No arguing over who gets to play the wizard. Everyone gets to play the wizard!

Magonomia® art and layout preview: Chapter 7

Layout and art placement for Magonomia® Core Rules is really coming together. We’re using a powerful mix of original color and black-and-white artwork, classic public domain fine art by Renaissance and Victorian painters and illustrators, licensed fantasy RPG stock art, and off-the-shelf stock art by Dover Publications (with and without modifications such as added color).

Check out our near-final version of Chapter 7 as an example of how it all comes together!

Magonomia® preview - Layout in progress!

Layout for Magonomia Core Rules started a couple of weeks ago. We have a lot of words to fit into the book so we’re going with a simple layout. I think it looks great and it’s easy to read and navigate. Check out the layout samples of chapters 4 through 6!

Magonomia® Preview: Werewolves!

In Richard Marpole’s excellent (and very warm) review of Magonomia Core Rules, he pointed out the lack of werewolf statistics in the Early Access edition he reviewed. We made a change!


Werewolf, Infernal

Aspects: Fantastic (+6) Possessed by Infernal Rage

            Resistant to Nonsilver Weapons


            Fantastic (+6) Fighting

            Good (+3) Athletics, Notice, Physique, Will


            Long-Distance Runner: +2 to Athletics Actions related to distance running.


Fantastic (+6) Possessed Infernal Rage: The infernal werewolf is a dark magician who voluntarily becomes possessed by a bloodthirsty demon of rage. The Aspect Possessed by Infernal Rage is considered a Haunting (not a Curse), and any attempt to treat it must overcome its Fantastic (+6) Potency. The possession is always active, even when the werewolf is in human form, so it can be Compelled (for example) to make them lose their temper and perhaps reveal a clue that they’re possessed.

Good (+3) Wolfskin Belt. Talisman, Conjuration. 10 minutes onstage preparation. The infernal werewolf uses a dark magic ritual to change shape. At or before the conclusion of the ritual, they strip naked and put on a wolfskin belt. This transforms them into a large, quadrupedal beast. They retain their human intelligence but their Aspect, Possessed by Infernal Rage, comes to the foreground and dominates their actions. The transformation lasts until the werewolf falls asleep or until the next sunrise, whichever comes first.


            Physical: ooo ooo ooo

            Mental: ooo o


            Mild     _________________________

            Moderate _______________________


            Vicious teeth, Weapon: 1

This werewolf is a hybrid of sixteenth-century and modern concepts. The modern touch is that the werewolf is Resistant to Nonsilver Weapons. If you’re a folklore purist, simply remove this Aspect. If you retain it, the Aspect doesn’t grant complete immunity to physical attacks: the GM has to Invoke it to aid the werewolf’s Defend Action.

In Renaissance folklore, a werewolf is a dark magician who uses a spell to transform into a four-legged wolf. They do this to take vengeance upon their greatest enemy, but once they made their infernal deal and become Possessed by Infernal Rage, they can’t resist using the spell again to attack the next person they hate or fear, then the next, then the next . . .

Magonomia and the Magonomia logo are registered trademarks of Shewstone Publishing LLC. All other trademarks of their respective owners. The rest of this article is Open Game Content, free to use, modify, and republish under the terms of the Open Game License v. 1.0a.