Degree 1 Sorcery, Witchcraft; governed by the Moon
Conjure an Eerie Green Light up to two zones away. Conjuration.
Onstage Preparation: Fast
Augmentation: Activate concurrently
Components: Spirit container, implement
Activation: Overcome vs. 1
Duration: One scene
A will-o’-the-wisp is a spirit that dwells in bogs and has a body made of cold, flickering green flame. You have a pact with such a spirit and can command it to float in the air where you direct it. It burns as bright as a single candle, so you can use it as a light source or as a signal. In darkness, the Eerie Green Light Aspect can be Invoked to aid Actions that unnerve or frighten people.
Whispers of the Bones and Ashes
Degree 1 Sorcery, governed by Saturn
Find human remains and possibly learn a useful fact about them. Conjuration, Necromancy.
Onstage Preparation: 1 minute
Augmentation: None
Components: Incantations, a small item from a ghost’s previous life
Activation: Overcome vs. 1
Duration: One scene
You conjure a ghost into yourself and thereby gain the ability to hear a faint, constantly muttering whisper coming from any corpse. You can hear the whispers through several feet of earth if you pass nearby. Any piece of a corpse larger than a hand emits such whispers, as long as the person died before the piece was removed (an amputated limb is not detectable by this spell). It even works if the remains have been cremated.
Usually, the whisper is just unnerving nonsense, but if you succeed with style, you learn something potentially useful about the corpse, such as how long it has been dead or perhaps even the name it had in life.