Progress on Map Revisions for Magonomia Core Rules

As we posted at the end of February, the Enchanted England map in Magonomia Core Rules has some errors and we’re working on corrections. There’s some progress on that effort: this weekend the cartographer handed over the updated map for final polishing — getting those pesky towns settled into their proper places, and double-checking that notable locations mentioned in the book are also mentioned on the map.

When this is done, we’ll update both the consumer PDF and the digital master for print-on-demand, and order a new set of proofs. The updated map should be in the book before Gen Con.

The updated map will be available as a free download on the Shewstone website. We can’t afford to send out replacement copies to the customers who bought the version with the erroneous map, but we’ll give everyone who’s already bought the print edition (including crowdfunding backers) a coupon to order an updated copy for the cost of printing (plus taxes, shipping, etc.)

Pregenerated character index on Magonomia® wiki

Following up last week’s article about Gemini : we actually have published quite a few ready-made PCs for Magonomia, between the Starter Rules, Early Access, and now the Core Rules Example characters.

We’ve made a list of all the published characters on the Magonomia wiki, including where to download them and what (if any) changes are needed to bring them up to date to the final, published Core Rules.

These should help you get started quickly with a published adventure or homebrew one-shot. Enjoy!

Magonomia® Core Rules crowdfunding fulfilment complete!

We’ve tracked down the last few backers and sent out their rewards for the Magonomia® Core Rules project. If you’re a backer and haven’t received your rewards, please email

Backers, you may be tired of hearing this, but thank you once again for believing in a big project from a first-time publisher. Your support kept us going through the ups and downs. You made magic happen!

Magonomia logo, featuring the name surrounded by astrological symbols.

The Magonomia® logo

Here are the milestone dates:

  1. Crowdfunding launch: March 15, 2020

  2. 100% funded: April 27, 2020

  3. Original estimated delivery date: November 30, 2020

  4. PDF delivery: August 2, 2021 (8 months behind schedule)

  5. Print delivery: December 4, 2021 (12 months behind schedule)