We made a video of an actual (partial) game session of Magonomia, demonstrating some of the important rules such as casting spells and Invoking Aspects. Plus a cameo by my cat!
Magonomia Launch Seminar at Gen Con 2019
We’ll be hosting an information session on Magonomia, the RPG of Renaissance Wizardry, at Gen Con Indy at 2pm Eastern time on Friday, August 2, 2019. This will be an in-person exclusive, not recorded or broadcast. Come and get an overview of the game, the magic, and Enchanted England in an interactive session with the design team!
First video interview about Magonomia
John Sharp of the gaming blog More than Just Gaming has posted a review and a 30-minute interview with me (Andrew Gronosky) about Magonomia!
Magonomia Kickstarter Date and Video! →
Magonomia, the tabletop roleplaying game of Renaissance wizardry, will go live on Kickstarter on July 26, 2019. You can subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Our first Magonomia Adventure: Curse of the One-Eyed Witch, now available!
We’ve now published an introductory adventure for Magonomia Starter Rules: Curse of the One-Eyed Witch by John Tibbetts. You can read the product description and download the adventure for pay-what-you-want on DriveThruRPG.com.
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