Shewstone will not be using NFTs

Shewstone Publishing will not sell non-fungible tokens (NFTs) or buy them from our contractors or suppliers.

That’s our position.

My day job is in cybersecurity, so I understand the technology and I can imagine some possible evolution paths and hypothetical future applications that wouldn’t be horrible. Those hypothetical possibilities are so different from the reality of the NFT boom today that if they ever materialize, “NFT” won’t even be the right term to describe them.

NFTs as used and understood in 2022 are a non-starter for Shewstone Publishing.

Magonomia is on DriveThruRPG!

After more than five years of development, Magonomia, the RPG of Renaissance wizardry, is published! Everyone plays a wizard wielding magic based on authentic Renaissance lore.

Magonomia, the RPG of Renaissance wizardry

Magonomia, the RPG of Renaissance wizardry

Let’s recap the top 10 reasons to buy Magonomia.

  1. 190 spells. At $25, that works out to just 13 cents per spell … plus you get the rest of the game along with them!

  2. Finally, a practical use for all that Shakespeare you had to sit through in high school!

  3. The first rule of secret societies is you do not talk about secret societies.

  4. A game set in Enchanted England co-written by real Englishmen! One of them is even a bit barmy.

  5. Very playable, but if you want to just look at the pictures, there's no shame in that. We do it ourselves sometimes.

  6. If you buy it, we’ll tell you how to pronounce Magonomia.

  7. Two words: swashbuckling wizard

  8. We read a pile of sixteenth-century grimoires so you don’t have to.

  9. Cursing your enemies is fun!

  10. No arguing over who gets to play the wizard. Everyone gets to play the wizard!